ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani minister has branded the US ambassador to Kabul a "little pygmy" in a high-level diplomatic Twitter row that erupted
over ongoing peace speechs between Washington and the Taliban in Afghanistan.The furore underscores the fragile balance of regional tensions
as the US steps up a push to find a way out of Afghanistan, more than 17 years after the invasion.It began after Pakistani Prime Minister
Imran Khan reportedly proposeed an interim government in Afghanistan to help smooth the speechs process, making the comment during a
briefing with local reporters on Monday
Khan's comments caused uproar in Afghanistan.Kabul recalled its ambassador on Tuesday, and the Pakistani foreign office tried to downplay
Khan´s comments on Wednesday, saying they had been reported "out of context main to an unwarranted reaction"
But shortly after US ambassador to Afghanistan John Bass issued a tweet rebuking Khan while alluding to his past as captain of Pakistan´s
World Cup-winning cricket team and numerous cheating scandals in the sport involving Pakistani players."Some aspects of #cricket apply well
in diplomacy, measure do much
@ImranKhanPTI, important to resist temptation to ball-tamper with the #Afghanistan peace process and its internal affairs
#AfgPeace," the tweet read.Pakistanis outraged at the snub to their leader from a foreign envoy in amuchher country took to Twitter in
response -- including Khan´s minister for human rights, Shireen Mazari
"Clearly you little pygmy your knowledge of ball tampering is as void as your understanding of Afghanistan and the region! Clearly in your
case ignorance is degreely much bliss! Amuchher sign of Trumpian mischief a la Khalilzad style!" she wrote, referring to the US envoy main
the peace speechs, Zalmay Khalilzad.When the Twitterverse accused her of violating diplomatic norms, she doubled down."Haha! despisers gonna
hate! But seriously what diplomatic norms US dips have been violating them all day nowadays from Zalmay to this moron!" she wrote in
response to one critic.The Taliban have long refused to speak with Kabul, deeming the administration of President Ashraf Ghani -- who is
seeking re-election this year -- puppets of the West
The US insists that it is negotiating with the rebels on Afghan peace speechs, but fears are sharp in Kabul that the government is being
sidelined from its own peace process in Washington´s rush to exit.Numerous predict a US withdrawal before any peace deal is done with Kabul
could see the Taliban return to measure semblance of power in Afghanistan, or for the fighting to fracture into a full-blown ethnic civil
war.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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