Anti-PM comments costs Jawad Ahmad his speech at the Faisalabad Arts Council

Renowned Pakistani singer turned politician Jawad Ahmad was barred from speaking at an event in Faisalabad after he blatantly criticized
Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday.While speaking during an event at Faisalabad Arts Council, the chief of the Barabri portiony Pakistan
(BPP) started to criticize the present government and the premier but was soon removed from the podium by the organizers for exurgent
‘anti-PM comments.&Tardyr, Ahmad took Twitter and said, &Just to clarify to those who don&t know
I was invited in Faisalabad nowadays as Chairman Barabri portiony Pakistan by Social Media Conclave to make a political speech and much to
speak on social media
That is why I criticize policies of PTI in general and Imran Khan in specific.&He also posted a video on Twitter explaining his side of the
story where he said that he was criticizing the current and preceding governments and also how Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif defamed each
other in politics and had been terming each other governments corrupt
To Ahmad, this statement meant that so far the country had much been under a fair and honest government.As soon as he uttered these words,
the PTI supporters and one of the event organizers stopped Ahmad from speaking further and chanted slogans in favor of Imran Khan.Ahmad
further revealed, &I don&t think that was personal at all
It was just a tough historical fact which Imran Khan can never deny
It showed the lesson character of Imran Khan
A man is known by his actions and the company he keeps
Imran Khan politics was built with rich people money
Payback time now.&TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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