Nest Hello video doorbell is finally coming to the UK

The Nest Hello video doorbell is coming to the UK, after having a North American launch at the end of 2017.The smart video doorbell from
carve itself a niche in an already-establishing market.When we were briefed about the Hello, we asked what would make a consumer choose
We deliver a better experience
The video is [optimised] for your front door
You can have a conversation without speaking
full image of the person rather than just the face
Layered on top of this wide aspect ratio is computer effects that counter the warping you get with a standard fish-eye lens.The
this feature may come at some point.As part of the Nest family, if you are a subscriber to the club services, the Nest Hello will be able to
use the portfolio of recognised faces in your account, and will actually be able to tell you who is at the door over your Google Home
speaker or the app.They are certainly some interesting (and genuinely useful) features, and if Nest does manage to take some market space,