Motiv's fitness ring can assist you discover a lost iPhone

I was surprisingly impressed when I tested out Motiv fitness ring
Honestly, I&m not a ring wearer myself, but it nice to see a hardware startup think outside the fitness band — and produce a surprisingly
capable product in the process
The company also done a pretty decent job continuing to add features to the little wearable. Back in April, the ring got Alexa functionality
and Android support
This week, the company announced some additional features for Amazon smart assistant, along with the ability to use the device to locate a
lost phone
That last bit is one of the more compelling additions to the ring since launch
If the lost iPhone is within Bluetooth range, a few twists of the ring will set the handset ringing and vibrating until you find the thing
As for Alexa functionality, users can now ask the assistant for more detailed fitness information, including active minutes, calories,
sleep and steps
Motiv has also added new social functionality to the ring, in the form of Circles, which lets users share activity feed with friends who
also use the ring
None are particularly earth-shattering in and of themselves, but it nice to see the startup continuing to introduce innovative new features
for the hardware