Best movies on Netflix UK (June 2018): 150+ films to choose from

There's such a huge selection of great movies on offer on Netflix there days that you don't blame you for spending your first hour of
downtime scrolling through anything and everything the service has to offer
Often before getting fed up and just putting an old classic on
But don't worry, you're not alone.That's why we've created a guide to the best movies on Netflix UK just for you
scrolling and no more movie-induced anxiety that you've made the wrong choice when it's far too late to turn back.Anyone who's been signed
up to the service for more than a few months will know there are plenty of mediocre movies on Netflix
But if you only have time for the best of the best, don't waste precious minutes searching through the streaming site's extensive and, let's
face it, exhausting library
Instead, delve straight into this guide.We'll be updating this cinematic hall of fame at least once a week, so be sure to keep it bookmarked
screens, a zombie thriller starring Martin Freeman that serves up a refreshing take on the genre
This week Netflix adds emotional romcom Maggie's Plan, starring Greta Gerwig, coming-of-age Beach Rats about sexuality and being a teen, and
NetflixNo one wants to waste time finding the perfect movie on Netflix
We've divided up our recommendations into categories to make the process a whole lot easier
For each category, we've chosen the movies that you shouldn't miss.There's more than 150 movies to choose from right now, all selected
because they're the best films on Netflix to watch right now
From indie to kids movies, horror to comedy, there's a movie category for everyone.Be sure to keep checking back
Unlike its TV output, which seems to stay on Netflix for longer, movies on the streaming site tend to appear and disappear quickly