Bobby Franklin
Bobby Franklin is the president and chief executive of the National Venture
Capital Association and previously served as an executive vice president for the CTIA & The Wireless Association
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Ensuring foreign-born founders can grow their startups in the U.S.
Finally, legislation to
support startups
The Trump administration just moved to kill a key tool to support immigrant entrepreneurs, and the startup
community must make our voice heard to save it.
Supported by Republicans and Democrats, the International Entrepreneur Rule (IER) operates
like a startup visa and allows foreign-born founders to launch new businesses in the U.S., rather than overseas
IER is in place after the National Venture Capital Association (which I lead) successfully sued the Department of Homeland Security when it
unlawfully delayed the program last year
But now, the administration is taking new steps to end the rule before it has a chance to bring new companies and innovation to our
Why would the administration do something so obviously counter-productive That the question those of us who understand the
importance of immigrant entrepreneurship keep asking
The track-record of foreign-born founders is staggering.
Studies show that immigrants have startedmore than halfof America privately-held
startups valued at $1 billion or more, and 43 percent of Fortune 500 companies were founded or co-founded by an immigrant or the child of an
A2013 NVCA studyfound that one-third of all venture-backed companies that went public from 2006 to 2012 had at least one immigrant
Specific to IER,one study foundthat the rule will create more than 300,000 jobs over 10 years, although I believe this is on the
low end because a single entrepreneur could create a startup with tremendous growth or even an entirely new industry
IER is tailored to attract founders who are positioned to launch the next generation of great American companies and would unleash fresh
entrepreneurial energy and dynamism that we desperately need in the economy.
The Trump administration hostility toward IER is also puzzling
considering President Trump previous statements on immigration
During the State of the Union address, the president emphasized the need for a &merit-based immigration system — one that admits people
who are skilled, who want to work, who will contribute to our society, and who will love and respect our country.&
Photo courtesy of
It almost like he was describing IER without naming it
After all, we are talking about a program where a successful applicant must create a new high-growth enterprise that will in turn employ
Americans and contribute to our nation technological and scientific advancement.
Furthermore, the applicant status in the United States is
completely tied to the startup company and would be unable to remain in our country if the enterprise fails
There is nothing more merit-based than that, and yet the administration is saying no to the new jobs that come when young companies scale
and grow.
The administration rejection of IER comes at a particularly troubling time for American entrepreneurial standing
startups received 90 percent of global venture capital, but that number has precipitously dropped to 54 percent last year.
Policymakers must
startup dominance is being challenged every day, and the top entrepreneurs now have a world of choices when it comes to where to launch
their high-growth company
Other countries are copying the American blueprint for startup activity and making their countries more attractive for new company
One way they&re doing this is by taking advantage of our intransigence on immigration policy and then welcoming foreign-born
The idea of a startup visa was first proposed in the U.S., and while we still don&t have one, countries like Canada, France and Singapore
have copied the idea and are reaping the benefits.
Rejection of IER is also incongruent with the Trump administration goal of American
leadership on critical technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, machine-learning and new drug discovery.
If we are to lead in
these areas, the world top entrepreneurs must beherein the U.S., rather than overseas where they will compete with us
Rather than pushing entrepreneurs away, the administration should be fighting to attract top talent
That the only way the U.S
will be the innovation leader going forward.
Despite the overwhelming arguments in favor of IER, the Department of Homeland Security is
moving forward to rescind the program before it truly gets off the ground
This is a setback to be sure, but so was the first DHS delay, and we beat the administration that go around
We&re going to keep fighting, but we can&t do it alone.
How can you help The best way to do your part is by engaging in the public comment
period that is open now and closes onJune 28 share your perspective on why the International Entrepreneur Rule is needed
Everyone voice is valued in the process.
Tell your personal stories of immigrant entrepreneurs who have impacted our country, how IER will
competitiveness or how IER will create American jobs
Together, we can win, and by doing so help our country remain the best place on the planet to launch a new company that provides a better