"Economic Egoism" A Path To Endless Conflicts: Vladimir Putin Warns US

Vladimir Putin complained about US efforts to thwart North Stream 2 gas pipeline to Europe
was a recipe for trade and maybe even real wars.Putin, speaking at an economic forum in St Petersburg on the same platform as Chinese leader
Xi Jinping, complained about what he called unfair competition and protectionism from the West and Washington in particular.Specifically,
the Russian leader complained about US efforts to thwart Russia's North Stream 2 gas pipeline to Europe and what he called the campaign to
force Chinese technology giant Huawei out of the global market.Putin said the world risked slipping into an era where "general international
rules will be exchanged for the laws of administrative and legal mechanisms by one country or group of influential countries which is how
the United States is unfortunately behaving, spreading its jurisdiction over the whole world."The risk, he added, was that unbridled
economic egoism being forcefully pushed on other countries would cause more conflict in the world."It's a path to endless conflicts, trade
wars and maybe not just trade wars
Figuratively speaking, it's a path to battles without rules that pit everyone against everyone else."(Except for the headline, this story
has not been edited by TheIndianSubcontinent staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)