tasks together but in a comprehensive-but-approachable way that the DIY-centric IFTTT could have only dreamed of.Apple may get mocked for
doing it, but this is a great example of the Cupertino-based company taking an idea that has long existed and repurposing it into something
a feature of iOS 12 that allows you to use a basic drag-and-drop interface simply called Editor to teach Siri a specific phrase that
Despite being basic, though, that level of integration straight into apps you already use is what makes Siri Shortcuts potentially a much
thermostat and turned on the fan, before opening Google Maps and turning on an NPR podcast for the ride home
IFTTT account with mixed results.Siri Shortcuts requires you to be just as creative with the built-in Editor as you are with IFTTT, sure,
difficult to set up a string of commands: You create a name for the command, connect the services/devices you want in that chain while
hand everyday, let alone trust to hold your music, personal contacts, emails and the dozens of other liberties we lend to our iPads,
iPhones, Macs and HomePods
Shortcuts, on the other hand, leverages the power of the App Store, that little known platform that has around 500 million visitors per
various times of the day and assigning a name
'Breakfast' might be checking the weather, getting the estimated commute time, starting your daily news podcast and turning on a HomePod in
for the consolidated smart home system we've been waiting for.GcbvvkXyASPK7rygjCZKb8.png#