Imran-Xi meetings reflective of China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership: China

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping Friday pointed out that his three meetings with Prime Minister Imran Khan in the last eight months
were fully reflective of the high level of China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership and both countries should carry out closer
coordination and cooperation under the changing regional and international situation.&Xi Jinping pointed out that in the past eight months,
I met with the Prime Minister three times
This fully reflects the high level of China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership,& a statement said issued by Chinese foreign minister
here after the meeting between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of SCO summit in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.The
Chinese President also remarked that under the changing the international and regional situation, China and Pakistan should carry out closer
coordination and cooperation to build a closer community of shared destiny.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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