Pakistan to receive $3.4 billion from ADB in budgetary support

ISLAMABAD: Asian Development will give $3.4 billion to Pakistan in budgetary support, said Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance Dr Abdul
Hafeez Shaikh.In a series of tweets, Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh said &ADB to give $3.4 billion in budgetary support
I had a meeting with Mr
Werner Liepach, DG ADB today to agree on the program.&He said &The ADB will provide $3.4 billion in budgetary support to help with reforms
and stabilization of the economy.&The adviser said &$2.2 billion will be released this fiscal year, starting in the first quarter of FY
This will help the revenue and the external account position.&This support is in addition to the project portfolio with an estimated
disbursement of upto $1 billion in the coming years, he added.Dr Hafeez appreciated the commitment of the ADB to Pakistan economic reform
agenda.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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