iPhone designer Jony Ive to leave Apple

Image copyrightGetty ImagesSir Jony Ive, the Briton who over two decades helped turn Apple into the world's most valuable company, is
leaving to set up his own venture.Sir Jonathan, designer of the iMac, iPod and iPhone, leaves later this year to start a creative firm,
LoveFrom, with Apple as its first client."This just seems like a natural and gentle time to make this change," he said
Apple boss Tim Cook said his "role in Apple's revival cannot be overstated".But the departure comes at a time of wider change at the tech
Retail chief Angela Ahrendts left in April and investors have been worried about falling iPhone sales.Image copyrightAppleImage caption
Jony Ive invented the iMac in 1998 Sir Jonathan said in a statement: "After nearly 30 years and countless
projects, I am most proud of the lasting work we have done to create a design team, process and culture at Apple that is without
peer."Little is known about LoveFrom, but it will be based in California and there are reports one area of focus will be wearable technology
collaborator at Apple, would also join the new firm
There would also be "a collection of creatives" spanning several different disciplines beyond design, he said.Image copyrightAppleImage
caption The iphone is the most profitable product in history He became head of Apple's design studio in
1996, when the company was in poor financial health and cutting jobs
The turnaround began with Sir Jonathan's iMac in 1998, and the iPod in 2001
Other landmarks of industrial design followed, including: 2004 - iPod Mini 2007 - iPhone2008 - MacBook Air2010 - iPad2015 - Apple Watch2016
- AirPods Apple's founder, the late Steve Jobs, once said of Sir Jonathan: "If I had a spiritual partner at Apple, it's Jony." One of Sir
Jonathan's most recent projects was finishing Apple's new corporate headquarters, Apple Park, an ultra-modern complex designed in
partnership with British architects Foster + Partners.Ben Bajarin, analyst with Creative Strategies, said: "It's the most significant
departure of somebody who was a core part of the growth story" under Mr Jobs
Image copyrightAppleImage caption Apple Watch was launched in 2015 Sir Jonathan, knighted by the Queen
in 2012, will not have an immediate successor
Since 2012, he has overseen design for both hardware and software at Apple, roles that had previously been separate
Apple said on Thursday the roles would again be split, with design team leaders Evans Hankey taking over as vice president of industrial
design and Alan Dye becoming vice president of human interface design.Steve Jobs and Jony Ive, the Lennon and McCartney of Apple - it's
impossible to see the company becoming what it is today without the most creative partnership in recent business history.Ive was a
relatively junior figure when Jobs returned from exile to revive Apple
He picked out the British designer as a kindred spirit who shared his obsession with the idea that the look and feel of a product was as
important as the technology inside it
Their first hit was the iMac, breaking away from the beige boxes that dominated the PC market to show that computers could be beautiful
design objects
The iPod, the iPhone and the iPad followed, each setting new standards in product design which rivals rushed to imitate.Image
copyrightAppleImage caption Like Mr Ive's other inventions, rivals rushed to imitate the iPod After the
death of Steve Jobs, there was speculation that Jony Ive might one day move into the chief executive's office
That always seemed unlikely- instead he remained the firm's design guru, the often parodied voice of those iconic Apple product videos
while Tim Cook drove the mighty profit machine ever onwards.In recent years, it has been harder to detect the Ive magic - while the Airpods
look set to become another classic, the $999 stand for a Mac Pro monitor stand seemed to symbolise a company taking its fans for granted.But
the man who started his career by designing toilets and toothbrushes and ended up giving us the most profitable product in history, the
iPhone, is assured of his place in history.