In-depth with Freada Kapor Klein

inclusion in the tech industry, is the co-founding partner at Kapor Capital and co-founder of Project Include
And similarly, any time you can raise a criticism, somebody can point to something hopeful
this point
And I figured you would have some good perspective to add
centered around the heads of diversity and inclusion
initiatives, also using Google as an example
actually a matter of leaving these companies because the workers are the most important part of these companies
characterize where we are now is a leap forward over the last ten years and several steps sideways and a few steps backwards
And similarly, any time you can raise a criticism, somebody can point to something hopeful
these days.But I do remain hopeful for very specific reasons
And one of those is quite simply changing demographics in the US
The march of demographics is unstoppable
And we know the K 12 school-age population in the US, which has been majority kids of color for five years now
And so that is the future workforce
Changing demographics is certainly one cause for hope
And critical mass, which has been a concept around a long time in social science, has some real legitimacy.