While lots of people want to meditate, they need to sleep
The seven-year-old app has finally found its must-have feature that makes it a habit rather than an aspiration.Keen to capitalize on solving
the insomnia problems plaguing people around the world, Lightspeed tells TechCrunch it has just invested $27 million into a Series B
extension round in Calm alongside some celebrity angels at a $1 billion valuation
The cash will help the $70 per year subscription app further expand from guided meditations into more self-help masterclasses, stretching
$88 million Series B led by TPG that was announced in February that was also at a $1 billion valuation, bringing the full B round to $115
Lightspeed partner Nicole Quinn confirms the fund started talks with Calm around the same time as TPG, but took longer to finish due
The startup plans to announce more celebrity content tie-ins later this summer.Broadening its appeal is critical for Calm amidst a crowded
meditation retreats and health merchandise from airy clothing to yoga mats
But subscription fees alone are powering a big business
Calm quadrupled revenue in 2018 to reach $150 million in ARR and hit profitability.Calm is poised to keep up its rapid revenue growth
Users can choose from having McConaughey describe the wonders of the cosmos, John McEnroe walk them through the rules of tennis, fairy tales
difficulty snoozing is so widespread and detrimental that users are eager to pay for an app instead of a sleeping pill
Having the Interstellar actor talk about the universe until I pass out sounds alright, alright, alright.