PageUp, an Australia-based software company, has today revealed that its IT systems were breached in late May of this year, potentially
compromising the personal data of over 2 million customers worldwide.The company is responsible for producing cloud-based HR software for
recruitment companies across 190 countries, including the US, UK, Australia and Singapore, and is used to manage employment within many
major companies.While the full extent of the compromise is yet to be revealed, data such as bank details, personal information and
Australian tax file numbers was stored on the IT system that experienced the malware.Are you affectedAt present, the company has only
notified the appropriate government authorities in the UK and Australia, a move that's most likely due to laws put in place that require
software for recruitment purposes, but others utilize it for ongoing HR and payroll management, so we advise you check with your employer
partner list, you should change your banking passwords as a precaution.While some companies using PageUp systems have been responsible and