encourage developers to make use of features like Adaptive Battery, and App Actions and App Slices shortcuts.He Android P beta 1 is just
important new emojiSure, better battery life and app shortcuts are major Android P features
more cooked)Salad (removed the egg to make it vegan)Turtle (revised the texture of its shell)Cricket (no longer looks exclusively like a
grasshopper)Google Android P beta 2 seems to be a small, but healthy update that properly cooks bacon, discards the egg from salad, and
continues to add diversity to existing emoji.You can update to Android P beta 2 today over-the-air if you already have Android P beta 1
If you device qualifies, you can enroll in the beta and skip straight to Developer Preview 2.Qcs7H3gLMzF7K3Eb3xccDj.jpg#