iPhone X is best selling smartphone of 2018 so far

The iPhone X was the best-selling smartphone during the first quarter of 2018, but the iPhone 7 was shifting more than half as many more
this time last year, new figures have revealed.The handset was unveiled late last year alongside the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus and is the most
expensive iPhone ever made.During the three-month period, Apple sold 12.7 million iPhone X handsets, with the iPhone 8 the second most
popular device with 8.5 million shipments and the iPhone 8 Plus fourth most popular with 8 million
of 35.6 million.iPhone X salesThis drop can partly be explained by the high price tag but also because Apple is selling more of its old
smartphones than ever before, with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 also in the top ten
volume declined, the company announced good earnings in the first quarter, mainly because of price increases in the iPhone 8 series and the
suggesting that Apple could extend the iPhone X range to three devices later this year, with two devices boasting an AMOLED
largest smartphone manufacturers, ahead of Huawei and Xiaomi
However despite the latter two Chinese firms enjoying considerable success, they have yet to strike gold when it comes to an individual