Glitch is bringing remix culture back to the web with a $30 million Series A round

In the early days of the web, it was easy to make your Myspace account, for example, unique to your personal aesthetic
Glitch is doing that for the modern era.Glitch, formerly known as Fog Creek Software, is an online community where people can upload
projects and enable others to remix them
democratize app building
In March 2017, Gomix became Glitch and has since ballooned into a community that has created more than 2.6 million remixed apps
These apps range from tools to tidying up your Twitter timeline to randomizing who is forced to take notes or do other tasks during the
meeting to creating animations using CSS, and much more.This 2.6 million-plus remixed apps milestone is notable, Dash said, because Glitch
crossed 1 million apps just one year ago
Series A round from Tiger Global, Dash said
able to show people that the company did what it said it would do: grow the team, which has doubled in size in the last year, and grow the
been pushing hard to set the bar around diversity and inclusion, as well as tech ethics.On the D-I side, 47% of the company identifies as
cisgender women, 40% identify as cisgender men, 9% identify as non-binary/gender non-conforming/questioning and 4% did not disclose
On the race and ethnicity front, the company is 65% white, 7% Asian, 11% black, 4% Latinx, 11% two or more races and 2% did not disclose
Meanwhile, 29% of the company identifies as queer and 11% of people reported having a disability
ethics side, Dash says the company thinks deeply about privacy and ensuring school kids, for example, never have to log in in order to use
While Glitch is free to the masses, it does charge companies that are looking to reach developers, like Slack and Google
Google, however, has been under heavy scrutiny as of late for a variety of reasons pertaining to ethics
focused on the open web, open frameworks and web standards
But as Glitch moves toward products like Tensor Flow, an open-source artificial intelligence library, the company makes sure every example
includes education around responsible use of technologies, Dash said