Understanding mental health in Silicon Valley, with professional coach and former investor Jerry Colonna

Extra Crunch offers members the opportunity to tune into conference calls led and moderated by the TechCrunch writers you read every day
less than predictable career path and his new book Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up.After years as a successful venture
investor, Colonna found himself confronting his own personal struggles with mental health
As a result, Colonna shifted his focus towards coaching founders and executives through the tensions that exist between personal happiness,
developed standards of success can impact their ability to lead and realize fulfillment from their work
Jerry elaborates on why many Valley executives encounter mental health pressures as their careers evolve, and details advice he gives to his
Because nothing that they do, is ever going to make the fear go away
No matter how successful our ambition makes us
Because the underlying motivation is fear
Now, if we were to flip it and say the thing that is really driving the ambition, is dreaming of a world that is possible
drive the people around me crazy.And so by understanding the complicated nature of that word ambition, we get to, as I say, dial up the
media coverage impacts founder psyches and how it has evolved amidst an increased awareness around mental health
The two also discuss how external pressures are changing for younger generations of founders, as well as how society as a whole can truly
tackle widespread mental health issues.For access to the full transcription and the call audio, and for the opportunity to participate in
talking to you
But I do remember you starting Flatiron, with Fred Wilson, many, many years ago and then going on to JP Morgan and I know that many of the
listeners on the phone right now probably have traced your story because you are one of those characters of great interest in Silicon Valley
Can you talk a little bit about how you decided to leave venture capital and become a full-time coach?