Kibus is like a Keurig for your pet

many, that means preparing home cooked meals for their dogs and cats.As a rabbit owner myself, that fortunately mostly just means rinsing
off some arugula in the sink once a day
For those other pet owners, however, the prospect is a fair bit more complex, putting the same or even more work into prepping meals for
their furry companions.The pitch behind Kibus is an attempt to split the difference
The system accepts plastic cartons filled with freeze dried pet food
Pour in some water and the system will heat it up, cooking the foodstuffs in the process.The company is going to be launching a Kickstarter
campaign to sell the product, which is currently in prototype form
That initial version will include user refillable pods, but in the future, they company plans to limit these to the pre-made variety,
rationing out food to pets one to five times a day
Each should last about a week for an average pet, or somewhere in the neighborhood of three days for the largest dog
To start, the company is offering up five different food options (two for cats, three for dogs), with more coming down the road.Users can
The second version of the device will also include a camera for monitoring pets from afar.