Why commerce companies are the advertising players to watch in a privacy-centric world

Justin Choi is the founder and CEO of Nativo, which empowers brands and publishers through its advanced platform for content. More posts by
beginning of a sweeping upheaval in how companies are allowed to obtain, process, manage, use and sell consumer data, and the implications
rise of a new class of digital advertising player: consumer-facing apps and commerce platforms
about e-commerce giants like Amazon.Traditional commerce companies like eBay, Target and Walmart have publicly spoken about advertising as
a major focus area for growth, but even companies like Starbucks and Uber have an edge in consumer data consent and, thus, an edge over
incumbent media players in the fight for ad revenues.Image via Getty Images / alashiBy now, most executives, investors and entrepreneurs are
aware of the growing acronym soup of privacy regulation, the two most prominent ingredients being the GDPR (General Data Protection
Regulation) and the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act).