last.After the release of what we're speculating will be the PlayStation 5 (likely), Xbox Two (less likely) and Nintendo Stick (a wild
guess), Guillemot believes we could see a significant rise in streaming that will render dedicated hardware less necessary.Speaking to
With time, I think streaming will become more accessible to many players and make it not necessary to have big hardware at home
The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One have sold hundreds of millions of units between them, while the Nintendo Switch is being embraced by players
replacing dedicated consoles and downloads, never mind physical copies of games, any time soon
next generation of consoles, which could then last for another six or seven years
outlandish.In the next decade, just as in the last, we could see technology advance in significant ways that would allow for stable and
music, TV and movies, where consumers are able to choose the option that suits them
A rise in streaming would not necessarily negate the desire for games that can be purchased in physical and digital form, it would just sit
console generation.Everything we know about the PS5