Car ride-sharing services Uber and Lyft are looking to diversify
Both companies have applied for permits to rent electric scooters to customers so they can zip around town.Well, at least in one town
deposited thousands of e-scooters into the City by the Bay, resulting in a free-for-all of the two-wheeled contraptions as they were cast
off anywhere riders pleased once they were done with them.This forced San Francisco to ban the personalized transportation machines until it
got its arms around regulations
According to the Chronicle, the city will issue permits to five companies and cap the number of scooters in the city at 1,250
This number could double if the program runs smoothly.So, Lyft and Uber are just two of the contenders seeking permits to rent riders
Others include Bird, LimeBike, Spin and Razor (you remember Razor scooters, right).Uber recently purchased e-bike sharing company Jump, so
it's already planting its flag in alternative transportation methods