PM Imran addresses AJK assembly, sends warning to Modi

Muzaffarabad : Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday warned India against any misadventure saying any miscalculation on part of Modi would
elicit a tit-for-tat response from Pakistan."We will teach you (India) a lesson this time," he said while addressing the Azad Kashmir
Legislative Assembly .The prime minister was in Kashmir to send a message to the world that his country stands by Kashmiris."I will become
ambassador of Kashmir and raise the issue at every forum," he said.Drawing parallels between Hitler's Nazi regime and India's RSS, of which
Modi is a life long member, Khan said the Indian prime minister has done a blunder by depriving Kashmir of its special status.He said India
has internationalized the issue of Kashmir with its latest move which has also drawn international community's attention.He said Pakistan
will give a tit-for-tat response if Modi makes an aggressive move.Imran Khan said Pakistan's army and the nation are fully prepared to fight
against India.The prime minister said Indian ruling party had no regard for its international commitments."They only care about their
It is arrogance
They are driven by hatred," he said.Citing examples of Hitler and Napoleon, Imran Khan said arrogance leads to destruction.He said the UN
also needs to realize that it was not only Kashmir, but the entire Muslim community that was looking towards the world body.The prime
minister of Pakistan said Modi has played his last card and it will only lead to freedom of Kashmir.Before Imran Khan, Prime Minister of
Azad Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider delivered the speech and condemned the Indian government's decision to revoke special status of Occupied
Kashmir.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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