Update: EA has announced a brand new tier to its service: Origin Access Premier
You can read more about what it offers and how it differs below.Original article continues belowJust like subscription-based TV services,
However, they also have their own services dedicated purely to accessing a back catalog of games called PlayStation Now and Xbox Games
Pass.However, Xbox One owners have another option available: EA Access.What is EA AccessLaunched in 2014, EA Access is publisher Electronic
PC gamers on the other hand are able to use the sister service, Origin Access
In a recent earnings call, EA's CEO, Andrew Wilson, said that the service had become such a success the company would "continue driving this
If you like what you try and decide to purchase the full game, all of your progress from the trial carries over and you can get a discount
off the full price.The member discount is 10%, but this applies to DLC, season passes, and Ultimate Team content as well as full games so
EA Play at 2018's E3, Origin Access Premier adds a brand new tier onto the EA Access subscription service.While the basic subscription to EA
Access allows players to access a full library of hundreds of games from EA and other partnering publishers, Origin Access Premier takes
things a step further by offering brand new EA titles too.This means that, like Xbox's Game Pass, Origin Access Premier subscribers will
have access to all the titles that ordinary EA Access subscribers do, but they'll also be able to play new releases like FIFA 19, Madden NFL
19 and Battlefield V.The service will launch in mid-2018 and though we don't know exact prices just yet we'll update here as soon as they're