Jharkhand: Children suffer from malnutrition in village near Jamshedpur

ANI | Updated: Sep 02, 2019 09:19 ISTJamshedpur (Jharkhand) [India], Sept 2 (ANI): Many children from a village in Bodam block of the
district are suffering from malnutrition-related issues with villagers alleging lack of medical facilities and awareness in the
area.Villagers from Potkadih village of Bodam block claim that residents do not have proper awareness about the right diet.Village headman
Sarad Chandra Mahto claimed that there are about 12 children suffering from malnutrition here."We have 12 children who suffer from
There are no roads and no medical facilities here
People are not aware of how to get a proper diet
The government also does nothing to solve people's problem", the village headman told ANI.Lakhendra Mahto, another village resident said,
"Children of the village are suffering from malnutrition and blood deficiency."Another villager Upendra Mahto also echoed similar sentiments
and said that the residents do not get enough food and vegetables for consumption
A medical practitioner from the area said that the lack of awareness among villagers is leading to malnutrition-related issues among
children and she has examined two such patients so far.Doctor Niyat said, "The villagers coming to Anganwadi centre are not medically aware
It is not that Anganwadi is not providing food, but parents here are not aware when it comes to personal hygiene.""As of now, I have checked
two children who are suffering from malnutrition and have Thalassemia," she said