your momentum into high gear
competition is the most effective way to place your startup in front of the investors, tech leaders and media outlets that can change the
trajectory of your business in the best way possible
Oh, and the winning founders also receive $50,000
easy, but the selection process is extremely competitive
TechCrunch editors with a keen eye for potential will vet every application and then select 15-20 companies to compete
be ready to strut your stuff with confidence.When the big day finally arrives, each team will have six minutes to pitch to a world-class
The founders who make it through to the second round will present again to a fresh set of judges
shooting match around the world.Not only that, all Startup Battlefield competitors get to exhibit in Startup Alley for the entire show
launched their dreams on the Startup Battlefield stage and gone on to collectively raise $8.9 billion while producing 112 exits
This alumni community includes companies like Vurb, Dropbox, Mint, Yammer and many more