European challenger bank Bunq is announcing a handful of updates today
You now get a better overview of your account with more insights on how you spend money
There are also improvements to VAT management for business users.Slice Groups are shared accounts for owners of the Bunq Travel Card
You can create a group with multiple Bunq users and then add expenses to the group
It is essentially a group accounting feature that lets you keep track of who paid for what, who has a positive balance and who has a
negative balance.While you could easily add Bunq transactions to a group, you still had to manually add them every time there are some new
You can now turn on AutoSlice, a feature that lets you temporarily add all card transactions to a Slice Group.In other news, Bunq wants to
give you more information about your spending habits
It starts with a new feature called Bunq Insights
As the name suggests, your payments are now automatically categorized so that you can see a breakdown of what you do with your money.When
you travel, Bunq now gives you information about your travel destination, such as the exchange rate as well as tips and tricks for that
AutoVAT for business users who have to deal with VAT in Europe
By combining these two figures, you get the exact VAT amount for your taxes.