Is your startup TC Top Picks material Apply to exhibit for free at Disrupt Berlin 2019

2019 on 11-12 December
Exhibitor Package and a bunch of other perks (more on those in a minute)
tech categories: AI/Machine Learning, Biotech/Healthtech, Blockchain, Fintech, Mobility, Privacy/Security, Retail/E-commerce,
feel represent the very best in each category
All Top Picks get one full day to exhibit in Startup Alley, plus three Founder passes, access to the full conference and all programming
That video will drive traffic to your site and be a great talking point whenever you pitch potential customers and investors.And in a
Why is that a good thing? Because Wild Cards get to compete in the Startup Battlefield.Disrupt Berlin 2019 takes place on 11-12 December
Looking for investor love, media attention and international recognition? Then apply to be a TC Top Pick
to Startup Battlefield.Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt Berlin 2019? Contact our sponsorship sales team