Parallel Markets is trying to make it easy to buy and sell private stock

Parallel Markets is a new startup aiming to make it as easy to buy and sell private company shares as it is for public company stock.COO
Nicholas Goss said this is becoming issue for startups as they stay private for longer, which means early employees can find their equity
Markets team said distinguishes them from secondary marketplaces like SharesPost
Co-founder and CEO Tony Peccatiello said that while these sales usually happen without input from the company, Parallel Markets is taking a
designated buyers at a given time
The platform also gives the companies additional controls, like a setting floors and ceilings on the price per share.Meanwhile, all the
lawyer at Latham - Watkins, as well as on the investment banking team at Credit Suisse) predicted that over time, startups will make this a
hand, investors can go through the verification process just one time