RippleMatch nabs $6M for a diversity-focused graduate recruitment platform powered by AI

professionals, a position that it uses to leverage products in areas like recruitment and e-learning
And that has opened the field to a wide variety of startups to fill in the gaps and compete with it
that.The funding, which will be used to expand the platform, as well as for business development, is being led by G20 Ventures, with
Work-Bench, and previous investors Accomplice, Bullpen Capital and AlleyCorp also participating.The company is not disclosing its valuation,
and Qualtrics among its customer base
This is also the first significant outside money that it has raised
and Ho met and started the company when they were still students at Yale University
Ho was about to graduate, but Myers was still in the thick of his undergrad degree, which he still has yet to complete (and, as is the way
about the predicament that a lot of his friends from back home in Colorado were facing in the working world.Like Myers, they were also
But unlike him, they were not at Yale nor any other top-shelf school that has the benefit not only of prestigious name recognition, but
approach is relatively straightforward: The company has built a platform that takes a potential candidate through a relatively quick set of
that it crunches together to match candidates with job and internship opportunities
seen to begin with.Myers says that the matching algorithms that RippleMatch has built, which include the ability to ascertain what people
potentially the relationships and pipelines that may already exist, thus leveling the playing field for everyone, making it just as likely
that an employer will discover their next star hire from a small college in the Midwest as from Stanford.As Mike Troiano, the partner at G20
standing in the way of qualified candidates getting a look in the door
His daughter was having a hard time getting a response from a company she contacted for an internship and when they put together her
LinkedIn profile, they realised that she simply lacked the professional network to figure out if there was someone to contact and
The surveys RippleMatch uses to collect info from students and employers about who they are and what they want to create is a proprietary
strong starting point for many professionals in their career progression, its shortcomings are most obvious in more specific examples like
(It was one reason that LinkedIn made a big push some years ago to start trying to bring younger users on to the platform, to work on ways
of getting them to start building up their profiles and networks.)RippleMatch is part of a growing number of startups that have been
Another startup that has been building a platform also aimed at graduates and specifically at trying to help source more diverse pools of
candidates is Handshake (which itself raised $40 million less than a year ago).Handshake takes a different approach in that it offers job
boards and proactively works with universities and recruitment organizations and offers users a social network / community of sorts from
which to source advice and exchange information
university students in the U.S.Others that have been pecking away at the LinkedIn hegemony include the likes of Triplebyte, another
well-capitalised recruitment startup that specifically targets software engineers
The startup has built its own assessment platform (used by RippleMatch to recruit, incidentally) which its CEO and co-founder Harj Taggar
also believes can help level the playing field between those who are coming from big-name companies and schools and those who are not,
LinkedIn, just by virtue of being there
life in comparison to these two
While it has partnerships with some 1,200 diversity focused organizations on campuses to bring in more candidates, and today some 60% of its
candidate pool are from underrepresented backgrounds, the company today only has about 100,000 candidates in total on the platform, and
agreements with 60 companies that tap RippleMatch to find them