TSB crisis continues eight weeks on

Image copyrightGetty ImagesIt was almost eight weeks ago that Sarah Hurst realised she couldn't log into her TSB account.The freelance
journalist was one of 1.9 million hit by the computer meltdown which followed the bank's upgrading of its computer systems on 20 April.Once
one of tens of thousands of TSB customers with unresolved issues.TSB said the situation hadn't changed since chairman Richard Meddings
statement last week
He said then that the bank was "now functioning at, or close to, normal for the majority of TSB customers"
"We recognise that
we still have areas where we need to improve performance for our customers and we do not underestimate these remaining issues," he said at
the time.Image copyrightSarah HurstImage caption Sarah Hurst says she has received "no help" when she has a problem
Ms Hurst says she's now considering switching accounts."My problem could have been unrelated to the IT crisis, but I have no
confidence in TSB and really worry about what's going on with my money, and get no help when I have a problem," Sarah said.TSB's Twitter
staff said they couldn't help and she would have to go to her local branch, which raised an old wound she had with the bank."I opened the
account at a Lloyds in my village five years ago because it was my local branch
But first it became a TSB and then it was closed down."Compensation for the chaosMs Hurst is far alone from being fed up with TSB.More than
95,000 people have so far complained and the majority - if their complaints are justified - are in line for compensation.Also getting their
money back will be the 1,300 people who were hit by fraudsters in the wake of the the meltdown.The bank has already admitted that attempts
to compromise customers' accounts grew from six to seven cases a day to more than 200 a day at the peak of the fraud attack at the beginning
of May.Meanwhile TSB has also promised to compensate the 370 customers who were wrongly registered as dead by the bank after they tried to
switch accounts.What happens nextTSB has recruited an extra 1,500 staff to help resolve issues, while another 500 workers have been moved
into areas to offer greater help to customers
The bank is unable to say when all the issues will be resolved but is keen to reiterate that for the vast majority of customers normal
banking service has been resumed.Chief executive Paul Pester, who has faced calls for his resignation, said last week: "We remain focused on
doing whatever it takes to put things right."Media captionTSB chief executive Paul Pester during his last appearance before MPsThe bank has
commissioned an independent review from lawyers Slaughter May which is expected to detail what went wrong and what lessons need to be
learned.The financial regulators have been undertaking their own investigations alongside that.Paul Pester said: "We are making progress in
understanding the root cause of the problems."But he will be understandably nervous about his future when the reports are published -
although that date is likely to be some weeks away.What caused the problemsWhen TSB split from the Lloyds Banking Group, it continued to use
its computer system while a new one was developed
When it was ready, TSB moved customers' data from the Lloyds platform to its own
This was a long-planned disruption to the service
The bank said it informed customers of the change, and that it would lead to them being unable to use online banking or payment systems that
weekend.That led to two problems
First, many customers said they were unaware of the changes and so were caught out
Second, customers experienced difficulties long after the deadline that TSB had promised things would be fixed
Are you a TSB customer still affected by these banking problems Email haveyoursay@TheIndianSubcontinent.co.uk with your stories.Please
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