How to stop vanity marketing from killing your startup

In 2014, I got in on the ground floor of what I thought was a rocket ship
that in retrospect should have given me pause
Surprisingly, I found myself impressed with their skill sets, at least on paper.Nevertheless, my spidey sense was tingling
a good idea, so long as the return is net positive
And in isolation, perhaps many (or all of them) yield a positive ROI
The company would eventually go under after burning $21 million.I knew I was part of it
I could have stopped the bleed
running one of the most popular fitness apps in the world perpetually from the end of our runway
significant time in an environment of scarcity, not abundance
This environment is the difference between whether or not a marketer ends up cutting their teeth and growing in their abilities or forever
non-specific yet incredibly sexy thing that theoretically would mean that investors would talk to you, or reporters would speak to you, or
startups, marketing is the symptomless cancer that leads to its demise
Marketers with abundance ingrained into their mindset will spend until those resources are no longer there
Could you imagine if a salesperson expensed that same amount in sales trips without landing a single client?Almost every single major
single user
big, shiny objects