WeWork and Uber are proof valuations are meaningless

Kate and Alex were back to cover a lot of late-stage news, which they rounded up with some early-stage notes toward the end
the question of how long the company can survive without some sort of large, external investment
If SoftBank is willing to commit more capital is an open question.Moving along to Uber, the firm underwent layoffs again this week
More than 400 people, or 8% of the operations, were cut as the company attempts to streamline operations, cut costs and, well, take baby
well-known angel investor in the enterprise space
A company called Magic Spoon (their website is here, as promised) raised $5.5 million this week for its D2C breakfast business
Our take is that the price point is a bit too high for comfort in its current iteration
Pocket Casts, Downcast and all the casts.