Africa-focused Andela cuts 400 staff as it confirms $50M in revenue

Africa-focused tech talent accelerator Andela will cut 400 junior engineers across Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria, CEO Jeremy Johnson told
TechCrunch.The layoffs come as the startup released first-time earnings figures indicating it will surpass $50 million in annual revenues
for 2019.Yes, the news seems a bit disjointed
than 200 companies around the world that pay for the African developers Andela selects and trains to work on projects.Founded in 2014,
Andela has offices in New York and five African countries: Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Egypt
that include the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.Andela selects a roster of developers each year who come on staff for a salary (similar to a
management consulting firm) and are encouraged to continue working and living in their home markets in Africa.By pre-layoff numbers, Andela
had 1,575 engineers on board
engineers will gain severance packages and placement assistance, according to Johnson
financial performance in light of major staff cuts.Johnson flagged the revenue significance in a global startup context
Only one VC-backed digital company has revealed revenues between $50 and $100 million
most active tech hubs, such as Nigeria and Kenya, where rapid startup formation and funding is starting to outpace software engineering