How to profit from valuable peer referrals hiding in Slack

How brands and marketers can harness the power of new messaging and productivity appsColin BendellContributor Colin is Senior Director of
Analytics and Strategy for Cloudinary, the co co-author of High Performance Images, and passionate about data, web performance and user
experience. Brands are often left to act like the person who searches for their keys under the streetlight simply because that is where the
light is better
risk overlooking the valuable opportunities hiding in darker spaces.One of the most valuable of those dark web spaces is in the realm of
We call them microbrowsers because they display miniature previews of web pages inside private message discussions
bucket, which we often just ignore
Words.And as more people rely more heavily on messaging apps for primary communication, these link previews from microbrowsers are becoming
the leading segment of your direct traffic visitors
The rise of microbrowsers gives us an opportunity to engage and attract customers through word of mouth discussions.The good news is that
pipeline funnel
When consumers arrive on your site they are often ready and eager to buy (or read, view and listen to your content).Whether it be for
fleeting moment when the appetite to buy is right now
get the most value from microbrowser traffic is by helping along this peer influencing that happens in the dark
By creating compelling, informative links with images, video and text information specifically for microbrowsers, you increase the
likelihood that peer-to-peer recommendations in groups convert into sales and reads.What follows are some top tips to ensure that the links
unfurling within microbrowsers have the greatest impact.First, remember the golden rule: your audience is human
When creating content for microbrowsers, design it for humans, not machines.