The World Cup, the greatest sporting event in the calendar, kicks off in Russia tomorrow night
But if a summer of football fills you with the dread of hundreds of awkward conversations about players you've never heard of applying
tactics you don't understand, rest easy: Amazon has you covered.It's Alexa voice assistant, as found in its Echo speakers and smartphone
apps, has been updated to help even the most football-phobic bluff their way through the tournament.You'll be able to ask Alexa trivia
questions, like the year England won the World Cup, to more specific questions, like what a "false nine" is or info on Brazil's Roberto
Firmino.And, if you just want a daily rundown of everything you need to blag your way through a conversation on a day-by-day basis, just ask
"Alexa, how do I bluff my way through the World Cup" for the latest info you need.Things to tryWhile Amazon has hundreds of questions around
footballAlexa, what is advantage in footballAlexa, what is pressing in footballAlexa, what is counter-attacking in footballAlexa, what is
football, and how gadgetry and gizmos can make the beautiful game more beautiful, and you a more graceful player
Check out our World Cup tech hub for more.