Cyberpunk 2077 is the game that could make me leave the meat area for good

I am still playing through The Witcher 3
It's a big game with a lot to do and unfortunately, living my life as well as playing other games has meant that it's taken me a while to
get through it.Long enough, in fact, that its developer CD Projekt Red has started showcasing its next game at E3 2018
After seeing it, not only do I think I'm going to have to give up my real life for a while to get through every aspect of it, I'm going to
It's Cyberpunk 2077, forsaking all others.Given this huge and detailed world has absolutely no loading screens, I get the feeling I could
spend time in it as easily as my own life.That said, as easy as it would be to make Cyberpunk your life, whether you'll want to is another
matter.This is a dark game intended for a mature audience and as it turns out, Night City is a pretty grim place to live
In the hour I spent with Cyberpunk 2077 there was swearing, full frontal nudity, serious violence and some body modification that made me
first-person RPG and shooter that allows you to create your own character called V
you would be
You can choose your gender, a life path, adjust your appearance, hair, tattoos and select from a range of skills and attributes.This is a
game world in which you can truly live - you get your own apartment and you can interact with pretty much everything in it, you can forge
incredible detail and from what I've seen so far it looks truly alive
As is the cyberpunk way, the city is run by corporations and crime
Technology, inequality and violence are everywhere and every day is a struggle to survive.The streets are bustling, things are happening
around, driving can be done in first or third person.Speaking of shooting, the combat is one of the coolest things about what we saw of
Cyberpunk 2077
There are some genuinely creative weapons here - there are bullets that bounce off walls and allow you to hit enemies under cover
Smart guns can fire into a general area and its bullets will find your enemies for you
V can scale walls using Mantis Blades to get a new vantage point (or use them to carve up your enemies like the turkeys they are)
You can also mod weapons and, by using drugs, augment yourself.The most truly cyberpunk aspect of combat, though, is the ability to hack
into your enemies
We saw this for ourselves when V disabled an enemy and hacked into the network through him
By doing this it was then possible to send out a virus that would do things like jam their weapons and make it easy for you to gain the
them has the added incentive of allowing you to gain street cred to unlock new social opportunities and items.This is a game with branching
narratives and your choices really seem to matter
Our group was told the mission we watched could have gone a variety of ways depending on a range of choices we made throughout it
space (a cyberpunk term for the 'real world') for Cyberpunk 2077 though, it's a huge open world game that's a closed single-player
revolves around a world that's connecting to a network is letting you disconnect from one
release, but we do know that it's coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC
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