Google's Pixelbook could soon run Windows 10

It looks like Google could be preparing the ground for its Pixelbook laptop to run Windows 10 natively.Of course, normally this top-end
Windows Hardware Certification Kit and Windows Hardware Lab Kit, which would seem to indicate that Google is readying the laptop to be
officially certified and approved by Microsoft to run Windows 10.All of this is backed up by a story which emerged a couple of months back,
with speculation that Google is working on an AltOS mode for the Pixelbook
This could allow for a second OS to be installed on the Chromebook.Dual in the crownAgain, that nugget was uncovered in development code for
the laptop, and all this points to the possibility of allowing folks to dual-boot Windows 10 alongside Chrome OS on the Pixelbook,
potentially adding to the appeal of the machine in a major way, and giving it far more flexibility in terms of the software the device can
run.Before we get too carried away here, remember that whatever is happening behind the scenes could be derailed before Windows 10 support
given the announcement of support for Linux apps last month, and of course that comes on top of being able to run Android apps on many of
these devices
concerning Windows 10 laptops being locked down to the OS in some manner.Via