Researchers at the University of Maryland have found that people remember information better if it is presented in VR vs
on a two dimensional personal computer
This means VR education could be an improvement on tablet or device-based learning.
&This data is exciting in that it suggests that
immersive environments could offer new pathways for improved outcomes in education and high-proficiency training,& said Amitabh Varshney,
dean of the College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences at UMD.
The study was quite complex and looked at recall in forty
subjects who were comfortable with computers and VR
The researchers was an 8.8 percent improvement in recall.
To test the system they created a &memory palace& where they placed various images
This sort of &spatial mnemonic encoding& is a common memory trick that allows for better recall.
&Humans have always used visual-based
methods to help them remember information, whether it cave drawings, clay tablets, printed text and images, or video,& said lead researcher
&We wanted to see if virtual reality might be the next logical step in this progression.&
From the study:
Both groups received printouts of
well-known faces&including Abraham Lincoln, the Dalai Lama, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Marilyn Monroe&and familiarized themselves with the
Next, the researchers showed the participants the faces using the memory palace format with two imaginary locations: an interior room of an
ornate palace and an external view of a medieval town
Both of the study groups navigated each memory palace for five minutes
Desktop participants used a mouse to change their viewpoint, while VR users turned their heads from side to side and looked up and
Next, Krokos asked the users to memorize the location of each of the faces shown
Half the faces were positioned in different locations within the interior setting&Oprah Winfrey appeared at the top of a grand staircase;
Stephen Hawking was a few steps down, followed by Shrek
On the ground floor, Napoleon Bonaparte face sat above majestic wooden table, while The Rev
was positioned in the center of the room.
Similarly, for the medieval town setting, users viewed images that included Hillary Clinton face
on the left side of a building, with Mickey Mouse and Batman placed at varying heights on nearby structures.
Then, the scene went blank, and
after a two-minute break, each memory palace reappeared with numbered boxes where the faces had been
The research participants were then asked to recall which face had been in each location where a number was now displayed.
The key, say the
researchers, was for participants to identify each face by its physical location and its relation to surrounding structures and faces&and
also the location of the image relative to the user own body.
Desktop users could perform the feat but VR users performed it statistically
better, a fascinating twist on the traditional role of VR in education
The researchers believe that VR adds a layer of reality to the experience that lets the brain build a true &memory palace& in 3D
&Many of the participants said the immersive ‘presence& while using VR allowed them to focus better
This was reflected in the research results: 40 percent of the participants scored at least 10 percent higher in recall ability using VR over
the desktop display,& wrote the researchers.
&This leads to the possibility that a spatial virtual memory palace&experienced in an immersive
virtual environment&could enhance learning and recall by leveraging a person overall sense of body position, movement and acceleration,&
said researcher Catherine Plaisant.