Like all of the leading mainstream PC and laptop makers, Lenovo has been chasing the collective muse that is PC gamers for some time now
And, for a while, the firm was doing so in much the same way as its competitors: raw power and extreme gamer style.However, Lenovo soon
realized not only how saturated this end of the PC gaming hardware scene was, but how small that base actually is in comparison to what it
learned is the vast majority of PC gamers
rebranding of its Legion line of PC gaming desktops and laptops
out of entry-level parts as possible rather than driving up prices with high-end graphics processors
We've optimized the blades, so we've got 66 blades spinning in opposite directions in order to reduce noise while still giving better heat
thread the fans to either one of the corners, so that we're able to leverage air intake from both side panels
improvements in its desktop chassis as well, to the tune of 50% with three times more airflow than before, Bereda tells us
through a tool-less thumbscrew system to access and upgrade the parts in its new tower and cube desktops.Of course, tools are required to
upgrade the Legion laptops, but the principle that their memory and storage are upgradeable still stands.The Lenovo Legion Y7000, Y730 and
Y530 (left to right).A whole new directionUltimately, Lenovo had to redirect its engineers to consider a more mainstream user that still
namesake.TheIndianSubcontinent's fourth annual PC Gaming Week is officially here, celebrating our passion with in-depth and exclusive
coverage of PC gaming from every angle