IBM questions Google quantum computing claims

questioned those claims in a blog post of its own.Quantum supremacy is a concept which was originally put forth by Caltech professor John
Preskill and in order to reach it, a company would need to demonstrate that a quantum computer could do something that today's classical
computers cannot.In its blog post, IBM's quantum team said that Google's claim of quantum supremacy was flawed because its Sycamore quantum
posed a statistical math problem to its own prototype quantum processor called Sycamore and the world's fastest supercomputer called Summit
at the Oak Ridge National Lab.Using the experiment's results, the paper estimated that one of today's top supercomputers would need
approximately 10,000 years to do what Sycamore did in 200 seconds.However, IBM was responsible for developing Summit and the company says
that the supercomputer could have done the work in two and a half days and possibly even faster if it was given more time to perfect the
While this would still not make Summit faster than Sycamore, in his original definition of quantum supremacy, Preskill did say that a
a peer-reviewed version of its leaked quantum supremacy paper which will be based on its latest Sycamore chip
IBM's recently released paper has yet to be peer reviewed but the company says that it will be soon.Via Wired