Microsoft Surface Neo: release date, news and features

Microsoft has just unveiled Surface Neo, the much-rumored dual-screen laptop, at its big October press event in New York.As you might
thinks of The Matrix
and optimized for dual-screen devices
Microsoft)Surface Neo release dateSurface Neo is still quite a ways away, with a release anticipated to land when the holiday season in 2020
your bank account just yet.Surface Neo is a two 9-inch tablets hinged together into a dual-screen machine so it resembles a book.(Image
credit: Microsoft)Surface Neo specsAt the press event where Surface Neo was originally introduced, Microsoft explained its vision as
creating something which is supremely versatile
Courier concept the company abandoned a decade ago)
Lakefield processor, styled as a hybrid chip and incorporating an 11th Generation Intel graphics solution
The CPU has a reduced silicon footprint, and is half the size of a regular PCB.The tablets are fitted with Gorilla Grass, being 5.6mm thin
and weighing 655g
There is a pen that magnetically attaches to the product, and a small keyboard which magnetically seals to the Surface Neo too, and can be
placed on top of the lower screen (being just over half the width of the screen) to be typed on in a laptop-like fashion
The keyboard and pen charge up automatically, as well.When the keyboard is sat on top of the display, the device recognizes this, and
stated above has been purposely designed for dual-screen devices just like this new Surface
Surface Neo allows the user to benefit from actions like flowing applications across both screens to get a larger working area
Or if you have, for example, Outlook open on one screen, and you press on a link in an email, the linked website can open directly opposite
on the other screen.Versatility is the key here, of course, with more than welcome dollops of user-friendliness and convenience ostensibly
baked into the bargain.Microsoft obviously has high hopes for dual-screen hardware, because at the same time as unveiling Surface Neo, the
has been long anticipated by many people.dPPcKLBbSRFPYdykwgjfrK.jpg?#