Ofcom to keep close eye on BT Openreach separation

Ofcom says BT and Openreach are making progress in implementing their pledge to make the latter an independent organisation that serves all
legally independent company, complete with its own management, staff, branding and strategy
followed accusations from competitors that Openreach gave preferential treatment to BT, which exerted far too much influence over the
division, giving the company an unfair advantage and ensuring it had no incentive to invest in fibre to the premise (FTTP)
infrastructure.Ofcom OpenreachIn its first report on the independent Openreach, Ofcom acknowledged that Openreach now had its own board and
Now that these have been resolved, Ofcom expects the transfer to start soon and to be completed by the end of the year.Ofcom is also pleased
The regulator also stated that industry partners had welcomed the greater transparency at Openreach but were still uncertain whether the
changes would ensure equal treatment.Mobile operators will be keeping a key eye on the situation given the importance of the Openreach
network for site backhaul
and Market Authority in 2015 that it had no significant concerns about the merger.