Gmail has recently introduced a brand new redesign
While you can disable or ignore most of the new features, Gmail has started resurfacing old unanswered emails with a suggestion that you
And this is what it looks like:
The orange text immediately grabs your attention
By bumping the email thread to the top of your inbox, Gmails also breaks the chronological order of your inbox.
Gmail is also making a
judgement by telling you that maybe you should have replied and you&ve been procrastinating
Social networks already bombard us constantly with awful content that makes us sad or angry
Your email inbox shouldn&t make you feel guilty or stressed.
Even if the suggestions can be accurate, it a bit creepy, it poorly implemented
and it makes you feel like you&re no longer in control of your inbox.
There a reason why Gmail lets you disable all the smart features
Some users don&t want smart categories, important emails first and smart reply suggestions
Arguably, the only smart feature everyone needs is the spam filter.
A pure chronological feed of your email messages is incredibly valuable
That why many Instagram users are still asking for a chronological feed
Sure, algorithmic feeds can lead to more engagement and improved productivity
Maybe Google conducted some tests and concluded that you end up answering more emails if you let Gmail do its thing.
But you may want to
judge the value of each email without an algorithmic ranking.
VCs could spot the next big thing without any bias
Journalists could pay attention to young and scrappy startups as much as the new electric scooter startup in San Francisco
Universities could give a grant to students with unconventional applications
The HR department of your company could look at all applications without following Google order.
When the Gmail redesign started leaking, a
colleague of mine said &I look forward to digging through settings to figure out how to turn this off.& And the good news is that you can
turn it off.
There are now two options to disable nudges in the settings on the web version of Gmail
You can tick off the boxes &Suggest emails to reply to& and &Suggest emails to follow up on& if you don&t want to see this orange text ever
But those features should have never been enabled by default in the first place.
The new look of gmail has this new little reminder and I
keep reading it as "Received 4 days ago
Really" And this is stress I just don't need
— Mary Kate McDevitt (@MaryKateMcD) June 11, 2018
Ooh, new Gmail has an incredibly annoying feature where it
bumps a message ending in a question to the top of your inbox with a banner saying "Received 2 days ago
— Seb Patrick (@sebpatrick) June 8, 2018
Switching back to classic @gmail
I REALLY don't need these "Received 6 days ago
I have four jobs connected to six email accounts
I'll manage my own productivity, thanks
#oldmanyellingatthesky #leavemealone
— mitchell bloom (@bloomin_onions) June 13, 2018
Wtf Gmail on mobile now resurfacing emails I
haven't replied to with a "received two days ago
Can't seem to turn it off
Breaks my entire inbox.
— Tom Critchlow (@tomcritchlow) May 18, 2018
I&m not really a fan of gmail new feature that hounds you if you
Reply& I don&t need to technologically enhance anxiety.
— Thomas Lynch (@thomasjlynch) January 11, 2018
Hey @gmail,
One message in my
inbox suddenly has a garish red message.
"Received 2 days ago
Never seen this happen and never want this suggestion
— Brendan Falkowski (@Falkowski) June 8, 2018