Mobile email notifications are a great way of reminding you to unsubscribe from dozens of annoying promotional lists
As part of the recent Gmail redesign, Google unveiled a new feature, currently for iOS only, that ensures your Gmail app only sends you push
Instead of adding one, Google will use its AI and machine learning tech to categorize your emails and determine which ones you want to read
Thursday and claimed it would only take one to three days to reach everyone.As for Android users, the G Suite team promised it would make
anymore, but it has used AI to redirect your emails into categories like Social and Promotions for some time
previous sent emails to predict what you intend to write
You then have the option to auto-finish your sentences.You also can snooze emails now, another way to keep your overcrowded inbox manageable
Select an email you don't have time to respond to now, and Gmail will remove it from your inbox and redeliver it at a time that works for