How wearable technology could assist emergency services

About the authorDavid Sims is a solutions sales specialist at Dynabook Northern Europe.IDC predicts that global shipments of wearable
devices will hit almost 190 million units per year by 2022
When we think of wearable technology, we no longer just associate it with the consumer space
In fact, wearables within the enterprise is now a well-discussed topic
to date have fallen short and examples of internet-connected devices have lacked the mobility and security capabilities needed to support
modern working environments
Despite this, there are examples of some industries making headway with integrating the technology into their enterprise IT, and
organisations within sectors where wearables are yet to touch remain eager to discuss potential use cases.For example, industries with a
solutions like assisted reality (AR) smart glasses
Other perhaps more surprising sectors are also joining the wearable discussion
One such industry is the emergency services sector
Decision-makers within the police, fire and ambulance services are beginning to recognise how they can best use these devices to enhance the
to note here that these discussions are still very much in the early stages, device manufacturers are seeing a growing appetite around use
case testing and experimentation
Currently, paramedics work mostly in silo to hospitals
Existing systems mean that paramedics have to log patient details manually before handing over either a device or notes on arrival at the
This can lead to a delay in patient information getting from an accident site to emergency teams waiting to give further treatment when the
patient arrives
Paramedics can use AR smart glasses to receive and send vital patient information without disrupting diagnosis and the administration of
Not only does this keep the medic hands-free to focus on the patient, but also staff in the hospital are more prepared when the patient
reaches them, improving both pre-hospital assistance and the continuity of care.While paramedics are trained for a range of emergency
situations, certain scenarios require precise skills and knowledge that are perhaps less common in the field than in a hospital setting
Using AR smart glasses, paramedics can utilise Remote Expert capabilities to access medical knowledge, guidance and information from
other areas of emergency services
the cusp of seeing these use-cases become a reality
However, as with all new technology, there are a few teething problems to iron out during initial experimentation phases
Considerations must be taken around the user-friendliness of equipment, including whether devices are lightweight, robust and reliable
enough for use on the frontline
There are also infrastructure, data management and security, and connectivity issues to deliberate
For example, how will this technology be managed? How will devices like AR smart glasses fit into existing networks? Do services have the
infrastructure in place to effectively and safely manage data generated by these devices? Or do they have access to the right connectivity
services resolve these potential issues
Edge computing helps organisations to resolve some of these challenges, while at the same time enabling new methods of gathering, analysing
and redistributing data and derived intelligence
Processing data at the edge reduces strain on the cloud so users can be more selective of the data they send to the network core.So, what
does the future of wearables in the emergency services sector look like? While wearables remain in their infancy within the Blue Light
sector, the technology is constantly evolving and those who are already testing out wearable technology are continually uncovering more
potential use-cases.David Sims, Solutions Sales Specialist at Dynabook Northern EuropeCtx2JsaHYSioLMYUe5t9TG.jpg?#