What is Industry 4.0?There's no question that technology is playing a huge part in our everyday lives today, but the increasingly connected
culture we live in is also having an impact on the world of industry.Welcome to Industry 4.0, the name given to the growing combination of
traditional manufacturing and industrial platforms and practices with the latest smart technology.This primarily focuses on the use of
large-scale M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) deployments to provide the likes of increased automation, improved communication and
seeing factories become increasingly automated and self-monitoring as the machines within are given the ability to analyse and communicate
4.0 - the latest news24/07 - Industry 4.0: for smarter operations - Understanding the real-world applications of IIoT data capture13/05 -
suffering major security issues - Manufacturing sector lags behind when it comes to cybersecurity29/03 - Why mobile is at the heart of
2018 - Gartner figures suggests increased awareness of threats is boosting spend10/03 -Forget smart fridges: the Industrial Internet of
Things is the real revolution - Industry 4.0 is already here and making massive differences25/02 -Industry 4.0: an industrial evolution,
rather than a revolution - The connected, intelligent factories of the future will usher in a new generation of industry20/02 - UK
businesses unprepared for Industry 4.0 - Manufacturing industry in the UK has done little to adopt automation and other digital
technology, nor a business ideal, but in fact a revamped approach inspired by new advancements to achieve results that weren't possible 10
saw Britain move from farming to factory production in the 19th Century
The second spanned the period from the 1850s to World War I and began with the introduction of steel, culminating in the early
electrification of factories and the first spouts of mass production
Finally, the third industrial revolution refers to the change from analogue, mechanical, and electronic technology to digital technology
that took place from the late 1950s to the late 1970s.The fourth, then, is the move towards digitisation
Industry 4.0 uses the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems such as sensors to collect vast amounts of data that can be used by
manufacturers and producers to analyse and improve their work.Recent advancements in big data and analytics platforms means that systems can
trawl through the huge sets of data and produce insights that can be acted upon quickly.Smart factories, which will be at the heart of
Industry 4.0, will take on board information and communication technology for an evolution in the supply chain and production line that
brings a much higher level of both automation and digitisation
It means machines using self-optimisation, self-configuration and even artificial intelligence to complete complex tasks in order to deliver
vastly superior cost efficiencies and better quality goods or services.Who started Industry 4.0?Industry 4.0 is different in that it stems
not from a single company, but instead from government, with a 2013 German government memo widely recognised as one of the first times that
without the need for human involvement
The idea really hit the headlines when Chanceller Angela Merkel spoke glowingly of the concept in January 2015 at the World Economic Forum
in Davos, calling 'Industrie 4.0' the way to "deal quickly with the fusion of the online world and the world of industrial production."To
academia, business and government, and Germany isn't the only country where advancements are taking place.The United States has the Smart
Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC), a non-profit organisation made up of manufacturers, suppliers, technology firms, government
construct an open, smart manufacturing platform for industrial-networked information applications
The hope is that it will eventually enable manufacturing firms of all sizes to gain easy and affordable access to modelling and analytical
technologies that can be customised to meet their needs.How much is Industry 4.0 worth?Anything attached to the Internet of Things or
increased automation is worth a tidy sum and Industry 4.0 is no different, with analysis valuing the technology around the idea as
practically never-ending.Recent figures from KPMG has estimated that the component markets of Industry 4.0 are estimated to be worth more
than US$4 trillion by 2020.This is above the expected value of the Internet of Things (IoT) market, which Gartner has estimated will be
worth almost US$3.7 trillion by 2020.Businesses everywhere are thought to be able to benefit from embracing Industry 4.0, with a recent
This can also be another area where technologies of the future, such as 5G, will have an effect and make sure the "things" are buzzing away
at optimum efficiency.Whatever the cost, the value of Industry 4.0 comes from improving productivity and removing inefficiency at all
levels, making it one of the most valuable ideas of our time.7rj3RcM2BwvA6pbRnX4wh6.jpg?#