Eliot Peper
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Eliot Peper is a critically acclaimed novelist
who writes speculative thrillers that explore the intersection of technology and culture.
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read fiction to build a startup
Just as as tangible as airplanes, computers and contraception, The Roman Empire, the Iroquois
Confederacy and the United States of America are also human inventions.
Technology is how we do things, and political institutions are how
Government is an immensely powerful innovation through which we take collective action.
Just like any other technology, governments open up
new realms of opportunity
These opportunities are morally neutral: humans have leveraged political institutions to provide public education andmurder ethnic
Specific features like explicit protections for human rights and civil liberties are designed to help mitigate certain downside risks.
any tool, systems of governance require maintenance to keep working
We expect regular software updates, but forget that governance is also in constant flux, and begins to fail when it falls out of sync with
Without preventative maintenance, pressure builds like tectonic forces along a fault line until a new order snaps into place, often
Malka Older points out that&democracy is not a unitary state that can be achieved, but a continuous process
We need to keep reinventing and refining government, to keep up with changes in society and technology and to keep it from being too easy
for elites with resources to exploit.&
Eliot Peper Bandwidth is a riveting novel exploring the dark side of feeds and geopolitics
might the future of governance actually look like?