The beauty of podcasting is that anyone can do it
It a rare medium that nearly as easy to make as it is to consume
And as such, no two people do it exactly the same way
There are a wealth of hardware and software solutions open to potential podcasters, so setups run the gamut fromNPRstudios to USB Skype
We&ve asked some of our favorite podcast hosts and producers to highlight their workflows — the equipment and software they use to
The list so far includes:
Let Talk About Cats& Mary Phillips-Sandy and Lizzie JacobsBroken Record Justin RichmondCriminal/This Is Love
Lauren SpohrerJeffrey Cranor of Welcome to Night ValeJesse Thorn of BullseyeBen Lindbergh of Effectively WildMy own podcast, RiYL
days it can be tough to know what to do with all of those tossed salads and scrambled eggs
Brooklyn-based comedian Anita Flores started a podcast
A Frasier podcast, no less
Each episode of the series examines a piece of everyone favorite &Cheers& spin-off with a different guest, including recent appearances by
Rachel Bloom and John Hodgman.
Episodes of I&m Listening: A Frasier Podcast with Anita Flores can be found at purveyors of finer podcasts
I record my podcast at More Banana Productions& studio in Brooklyn
I&m lucky to call Caitlyn Moldenhauer, creator of More Banana, my producer
She makes sure that everything sounds great
This is Caitlyn studio.
It a beautiful space that captures the essence of what More Banana is all about: A podcast network with women-led
Books with female authors scattered about, an RBG candle, art from women comic book artists and designers and a signed Prince poster
The studio is designed to be bright and comfortable, against other recording studios that tend to be dark and dungeonesque.
In terms of what
kind of equipment, we use Rode Microphones and a Rodecaster Pro
We record mainly in Audition with an SD backup, because you always need a backup! Our setup allows for a simple plug and play for up to
three microphones and is really simple to master
The studio also teaches women to engineer and edit podcasts, so it important that we have a setup that isn&t a barrier to learning as we
introduce people to podcasting.
We have guests that come in to the studio, but a lot of them are in different states
In those cases, we use Google Hangouts or a phone number to speak with guests
We record the Skype feeds often, although when we can we prefer if guests calling in remotely record themselves with a studio, or close to
For I&m Listening, the guests who call in on Skype often make the episode feel like an actual radio show
It an homage to the format of Frasier Crane radio show &The Dr
Frasier Crane Show.& So the sound of a Skype recording fits for that podcast, but not for all of them
We always prefer in-the-room sound instead of over digital.
Most importantly, we have a studio pet: Caitlyn French bulldog, Ella
She welcomes all of our guests at the door, and it absolutely sets the mood pre-recording
I usually don&t tell my guests there a dog (unless I know they&re allergic), so it always a fun surprise to see their reaction
Nothing like having a cute dog to fill a lull in conversation! It should be a law that all recording studios come with some kind of cuddly
I recently recorded a special episode of &I&m Listening& in my apartment, I can&t reveal too much, but let say it involved eating
tossed salads and scrambled eggs
The studio equipment that we use out of studio is the same Rode Mics and sound board (the Rode Procaster), which is really portable and
works in non-studio spaces for the most part
We always use dynamic microphones because they help in spaces that you can&t always control for background noise, echo, etc
Caitlyn runs the sound board during these recordings to make sure all the audio sounds great.