Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli celebrate his birthday with Bhutanese family in the mountains
Photo: InstagramAnushka Sharma and Virat Kohli may have escaped the glitz and glamour back in B-Town but they are keeping their fans in the
loop about all the happenings during their Bhutan vacay.In her latest post, the Zero actor wrote about how they spent her husband and Indian
team captain Virat Kohli birthday up in the majestic mountains trekking and feeding calves as well as interacting with natives who welcomed
:Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli leave for a romantic getaway in Bhutan &Today , during our 8.5 km uphill trek we stopped by a small village on
a mountain to pet and feed a baby calf who was born just 4 months ago
While we did that the owner of the house asked us if we were tired and wanted to have a cup of tea ? [sic]& she said in her Instagram
&So we went in to the home of this beautiful and warm family who had absolutely no idea who we were and yet they treated us with such warmth
We spent some time with them chatting and drinking tea and the whole time they just know us as two tired trekkers ! [sic],& she added.:
Anushka Sharma takes a trip down memory lane in Bhutan's 'sabzi mandi'&Whoever knows Virat and me very closely, know that both of us live
for such moments of genuine , simple - pure human connection
It fills us with such joy and peace knowing that they just wanted to be kind to two random foreigners ( plus our guide ) without seeking
If this is not the true meaning of life then i dont know what is
A memory we will cherish forever [sic],& she continued.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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